More about Lydia Neilsen
From Lydia Neilsen
I first discovered permaculture in 2003 at the Solar Living Institute Summer Solfest when Penny Livingston gave a talk that changed my life. Within half an hour of hearing her speak, I had glimpsed a vision of humans actually healing the damage we have done to this planet. I knew I wanted more and joined Penny’s year-long Four Seasons’s Permaculture Design course that winter. Through stories and science, Penny offered Permaculutre’s profound and practical shift in perspective. My understanding of the patterns, principles and relationships on this planet expanded from linear thought patterns and disconnected models, to a magical, beautiful, integrated world where connection after connection opens up to you when you begin to pay attention. I was fully captivated by this work and joined Penny’s teaching team in 2006; I have been teaching, practicing and working in permaculture ever since. Penny brings decades of experience and wisdom gained from really listening to the earth and people. Her teaching style is down-to-earth with magic and mystery, deep wild mind-blowing concepts and real how-to skills. I worked with and learned from Penny for over 15 years, and her mentorship has shaped the person and permaculture practitioner I am today. Thank you Penny!